

Style Guide

Final Outcome

Lottie Animation

Embedded Code

CMS Collection


A personal financial website built by Webflow.

This personal financial website mainly aims to practice my prototyping skills with Webflow. In order to make a comprehensive website with interactive features, I have applied several Webflow functions such as embedded code, CMS, Lottie animation and flexbox.
Individual work
2 months

Webflow CMS
Lottie Animation
Responsive Design
UI Design

The process behind..

Visual Design:

  • Information Architecture
  • Style Guide
  • Visual Outcomes


  • Website Link
  • Lottie Animation
  • Embedded Code
  • CMS Collection

Information Architecture

The requirement of this course is to build a comprehensive website with at least 7 pages. I chose personal finance as my topic and searched for some reference websites to quickly build the information architecture and the basic functions.


Style Guide

I chose a saturated cornflower blue as the brand color. Since blue has been widely associated with responsibility and calmness in many cultures, I hope this color can convey a sense of trustworthiness for this financial website.

Visual Outcomes

Then I finished the visual design in Figma with both mobile and desktop versions.

Project Outcomes

Lottie Animation

I have made 3 lottie animation with After Effects in this website.

Piggy Bank animation

Loading animation

Line Drawing animation

Embedded Code

I have built the budget calculator with custom codes. I used html, CSS and Javascript.

CMS Collections

I built two CMS template pages in this website. One is the budget page, and the other one is the insight page.